Saturday, July 13, 2013



I tried to catch some Fog.  I mist.

When chemists die, they barium.

Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.

A soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid.  He says he can stop any time.

How does Moses make his tea?  Hebrews it.

I stayed up all night to see where the sun went.  Then it dawned on me.

This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore.

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity.  I can't put it down.

I did a theatrical performance about puns.  It was a play on words.

They told me I had type A blood, but it was a Type-O.

Why were the Indians here first?  They had reservations.

Class trip to the Coca-Cola factory.  I hope there's no pop quiz.

Energizer bunny arrested.  Charged with battery.

I didn't like my beard at first.  Then it grew on me.

Did you hear about the cross eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her pupils?

When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.

What does a clock do when it's hungry?  It goes back four seconds.

I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.  Then it hit me!

Broken pencils are pointless.

What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary?  A thesaurus.

England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool .

I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.

I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx.

All the toilets in New York 's police stations have been stolen. 

Police have nothing to go on.

I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.

Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes.

Velcro - what a rip off!

Cartoonist found dead in home.  Details are sketchy.

Venison for dinner?  Oh deer!

Earthquake in Washington obviously government's fault.

I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

Be kind to your dentist.  He has fillings, too.

Hey Baby..... Funny?


1942 Doolittle Raid On Japan

On April 18, 1942, all 16 B-25 bombers took flight from the deck of the USS Hornet, an inconceivable accomplishment only a few months before
All 16 B-25s successfully bombed their targets. Most B-25s encountered anti-aircraft fire and some encountered enemy interception in the air. All of the B-25s except one either crash landed or the crews bailed out. The one plane that didn't crash land, landed in Russia and the crew was taken as internees. After being held captive, an escape attempt was executed to Iran. British Consul helped the men back to the U.S. on May 29, 1943, more than a year after the raid.
"The most amazing thing about the raid was the bravery and determination behind the plan," Mead said. "The raid itself actually had very little impact on Japan's military fighting capability. However, the psychological impact on the Japanese military and Japanese society as a whole can't be overstated. In one night, a very powerful empire transitioned from a feeling of invincibility to one of vulnerability."
"The Doolittle Raid was this nation's first return salvo against Japan after Pearl Harbor. Our nation was reeling - trying to get its wartime footing while simultaneously shaking off the national shock of a surprise attack," said Lt. Col. John Martin, 34th Bomb Squadron commander. "National morale was exceedingly low and President Roosevelt needed a victory."
The responsibility for planning the raid fell upon Gen. Henry Arnold, Army Air Corps chief, and U.S. Navy Adm. Ernest King, Navy chief of operations.
On January 1942, Capt. Francis Low, the operations officer on King's staff, approached him with an idea. His idea was to launch an attack from an aircraft carrier using bombers assigned to the Army Air Corps. Alongside Low, Capt. Donald Duncan, an expert in carrier aviation, was assigned to investigate the possibility of such an attack. In less than a week, they presented King with a 30-page analysis - the conclusion being - it could be done.
Lt. Col. Brian Mead, 37th Bomb Squadron commander, said at that point in time, the Japanese felt their geographic isolation made them untouchable.
For the planes, Duncan choose the B-25, a two-engine medium range bomber capable, with modifications, of carrying 2,000 pounds of bombs, while flying 2,000 miles with extra fuel. Normally a B-25 required 1,200 feet of runway to take off, but it was possible that the aircraft might clear a carrier deck a third of that distance with the aid of the forward speed of the ship itself and headwind. Duncan started working on balancing the two most important factors - bomb load and extra gas - both of which meant additional weight and takeoff distance.
Duncan's report recommended the newly commissioned USS Hornet as the vessel - the plan requiring the ship to be brought within 500 miles of the Japanese mainland before launching B-25s. It would be impossible for B-25s to return to the ship because the Hornet's deck was too short, so provisions would have to be made for B-25s to proceed to an air base on land after dropping their bombs on target.
After Arnold and King were both convinced with Duncan's plan, Arnold set out to find a pilot who was accustomed to doing the impossible with an airplane. In his search, he found Doolittle. A man, who Arnold believed was not only an experienced pilot, but a man who could inspire and lead by example.
From the moment Doolittle accepted the assignment, he immediately began selecting aircrews for training and working out logistical elements of the raid. There were 16 crews of 5 men each to fly the 16 bombers, a total of 80.
  Crew No. 1 (Plane #40-2344, target Tokyo): 34th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle, pilot; Lt. Richard E. Cole, copilot; Lt. Henry A. Potter, navigator; SSgt. Fred A. Braemer, bombardier; SSgt. Paul J. Leonard, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 2 (Plane #40-2292, target Tokyo): 37th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. Travis Hoover, pilot; Lt. William N. Fitzhugh, copilot; Lt. Carl R. Wildner, navigator; Lt. Richard E. Miller, bombardier; Sgt. Douglas V. Radney, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 3 (Plane #40-2270, target Tokyo): 95th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. Robert M. Gray, pilot; Lt. Jacob E. Manch, copilot; Lt. Charles J. Ozuk Jr., navigator; Sgt. Aden E. Jones, bombardier; Cpl. Leland D. Faktor, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 4 (Plane #40-2282, target Tokyo): 95th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. Everett W. Holstrom, pilot; Lt. Lucian N. Youngblood, copilot; Lt. Harry C. McCool, navigator; Sgt. Robert J. Stephens, bombardier; Cpl. Bert M. Jordan, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 5 (Plane #40-2283, target Tokyo): 95th Bombardment Squadron, Capt. David M. Jones, pilot; Lt. Ross R. Wilder, copilot; Lt. Eugene F. McGurl, navigator; Lt. Denver V. Truelove, bombardier; Sgt. Joseph W. Manske, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 6 (Plane #40-2298, target Tokyo): 95th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. Dean E. Hallmark, pilot; Lt. Robert J. Meder, copilot; Lt. Chase J. Nielsen, navigator; Sgt. William J. Dieter, bombardier; Sgt. Donald E. Fitzmaurice, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 7 (Plane #40-2261, target Tokyo): 95th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. Ted W. Lawson, pilot; Lt. Dean Davenport, copilot; Lt. Charles L. McClure, navigator; Lt. Robert S. Clever, bombardier; Sgt. David J. Thatcher, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 8 (Plane #40-2242, target Tokyo): 95th Bombardment Squadron, Capt. Edward J. York, pilot; Lt. Robert G. Emmens, copilot; Lt. Nolan A. Herndon, navigator/bombardier; SSgt. Theodore H. Laban, flight engineer; Sgt. David W. Pohl, gunner. 
Crew No. 9 (Plane #40-2203, target Tokyo): 34th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. Harold F. Watson, pilot; Lt. James N. Parker Jr., copilot; Lt. Thomas C. Griffin, navigator; Sgt. Wayne M. Bissell, bombardier; TSgt. Eldred V. Scott, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 10 (Plane #40-2250, target Tokyo): 89th Reconnaissance Squadron, Lt. Richard O. Joyce, pilot; Lt. J. Royden Stork, copilot; Lt. Horace E. Crouch, navigator/bombardier; Sgt. George E. Larkin Jr., flight engineer; SSgt. Edwin W. Horton Jr., gunner.
Crew No. 11 (Plane #40-2249, target Yokohama): 34th Bombardment Squadron, Capt. C. Ross Greening (89th RS), pilot; Lt. Kenneth E. Reddy, copilot; Lt. Frank A. Kappeler, navigator; SSgt. William L. Birch, bombardier; Sgt. Melvin J. Gardner, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 12 (Plane #40-2278, target Yokohama): 37th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. William M. Bower, pilot; Lt. Thadd H. Blanton, copilot; Lt. William R. Pound Jr., navigator; TSgt. Waldo J. Bither, bombardier; SSgt. Omer A. Duquette, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 13 (Plane #40-2247, target Yokosuka): 37th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. Edgar E. McElroy, pilot; Lt. Richard A. Knobloch, copilot; Lt. Clayton J. Campbell, navigator; MSgt. Robert C. Bourgeois, bombardier; Sgt. Adam R. Williams, flight engineer/gunner.
Crew No. 14 (Plane #40-2297, target Nagoya): 89th Reconnaissance Squadron, Maj. John A. Hilger, pilot; Lt. Jack A. Sims, copilot; Lt. James H. Macia Jr., navigator/bombardier; SSgt. Job Eierman, flight engineer; SSgt. Edwin V. Bain, gunner.
Crew No. 15 (Plane #40-2267, target Nagoya): 89th Reconnaissance Squadron, Lt. Donald G. Smith, pilot; Lt. Griffith P. Williams, copilot; Lt. Howard A. Sessler, navigator/bombardier; Lt. Thomas R. White, flight engineer; Sgt. Edward J. Saylor, gunner.
Crew No. 16 (Plane #40-2268, target Nagoya): 34th Bombardment Squadron, Lt. George Barr, navigator; Lt. William G. Farrow, pilot; Sgt. Harold A. Spatz, engineer/gunner; Lt. Robert L. Hite, copilot; Cpl. Jacob DeShazer, bombardier.
With careful coordination with Duncan, Doolittle determined the B-25s would carry enough extra gasoline to provide an effective range of 2,400 miles. The bomb load would consist of two 500-pound demolition bombs and 1,000 pounds of incendiaries.
Target objectives were the military and industrial sites in Japan, including Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. After dropping their bombs, B-25s were to head westward across the China Sea and land at bases prepared on Chinese mainland southwest of Shanghai.
"The last time a foreign nation had attempted a direct attack on mainland Japan was over 700 years before, when Kublai Khan sent a naval armada from China," said Martin. "Kublai Khan ultimately failed in his attempt due to a typhoon, and a lasting consequence of this failed raid was that the Japanese people felt their homeland was protected not only by favoring winds, but from divine winds known as the Kamikaze. Over time Japan would perceive that their island nation was quite simply an impenetrable fortress. "
Martin said Jimmy Doolittle set out to find and train a group of men, now known as the Raiders, to prove otherwise.
Aircrews for the 16 B-25s were selected from several Army Air Corps squadrons, including the 34th, 37th and 432nd Squadrons. The Doolittle Raid was a total secret to everyone who was involved. When the raiders volunteered, they were told they would be a part of a, "dangerous secret mission."
The 80 flyers that were chosen began their training at Eglin Field, Fla., March 3. Due to maintenance problems and delays in B-25 modification, most of the crews received only 20 to 30 hours of actual training flying time, but they all learned to pull their bombers off the ground at near stall speed in the shortest possible distance.
The B-25s were ferried from Eglin Field to Alameda Naval Base in San Francisco, where each was towed to a pier and hoisted aboard the Hornet. Fueling of the carrier commenced at 6 a.m., April 2. At 10 a.m. the Hornet moved slowly out of San Francisco harbor with 16 B-25s on its deck.
Only after the Hornet was well under way, were the raiders were finally told what their target destination was. At that point, Doolittle offered each man the opportunity to withdraw from the mission. None of the 80 raiders did.