Thursday, April 23, 2015


When making your comment, list numbers 1 through 
20 and your answers next to each # with A, B or C.

The Old Geezer Memory Test 
1. In the 1950s, if you had a flat rear tire, you often had to remove the what? 
a. Nicker knob 
b. Curb feeler 
c. Fender skirt 
2. What color flash bulbs did Dad use for color film? 
a. Blue 
b. Pink 
c. Plaid 
3. What was the parking brake called when you were a kid? 
a. Emergency brake 
b. Pull Stop 
c. Breaker, Breaker. 
4. Way before Air Jordan, what was a kids shoe of choice?  
a. Buster Brown 
b. PF Flyers 
c. Old Stinkers 
5. In what year did Dewey Defeat Truman according to the Chicago Tribune?  
a. 1946  
b. 1948 
c. 1952  
6. Before the Orkin Man, what technology was part of most home bug deterrence? 
a. Shoe Fly 
b. Fly paper 
c. 50 mm Flit gun 
7. Dixie cups had what printed on their tops? 
a. Secret decoders 
b. Movie stars 
c. WW II propaganda slogans 
8. What was the prevailing method of birth control in the 50s? 
a. Heavy lifting and cold showers  
b. Fear 
c. Girdles and crinoline petticoats  
9. Jimmy Durante said what at the end of every show?  
a. Aloha, my friends.  
b. Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.  
c. Remember, wherever you go, my nose will get there first.  
10. Popeye the sailor man; Popeye the sailor man.
I'm strong to the finish, _ _ _ _ _, Popeye the sailor man.  
a. cause I eats me spinach  
b. my dad was big and Finnish 
c. the music a bit tinniness? 
11. In the quaint greasy spoon jargon of yore, what did knock the horns off one, and drag it through the garden mean? 
a. 86 the customer, then kick him out the back door 
b. Rare hamburger or steak with tomato and lettuce 
c. Cooties 
12. Lincoln Logs were for what use?  
a. A diary of the presidency 
b. Keep track of fat cats who sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom 
c. Building toy structures 
13. Ward and June bring what to mind?  
a. A popular TV series called Leave it to Beaver 
b. A Chicago family of butchers and knife sharpeners called The Cleavers  
  c. Inventors of the clicker, Jack Ward and Ernest June  
14. Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and Zorro are all forms of what?  
a. Alcoholic beverages  
b. Capitalism 
c. Children's play 
15. What was the cheapest way to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle?  
a. Baseball cards in the spokes  
b. Rig an electric motor with a very long cord  
c. Turning left into the path of a Harley  
16. Tinker toys date back to when?  
a. 1914  
b. 1949  
c. 1967  
17. In grade school, what was the worst thing that could happen to you when being picked for a team?  
a. Getting picked last  
b. Getting your uniform dirty  
c. Not having the team tattoo  
18. If we dared to swear and our parents heard us, we immediately found out what _ _ _ tasted like.
a. Meatballs  
b. Soap  
c. Sarsaparilla  
19. What was one thing the Lone Ranger and Roy Rogers would never do?  
a. Kill someone  
b. Shot a squirrel  
c. Eat Lima beans  
20. What convertible offered an optional radio that automatically increased its volume as the car accelerated?  
a. 1912 Franklin  
b. 1943 Jeep  
c. 1957 Ford Thunderbird  
 I will post the answers a few days later giving other old Geezers a chance to take this test, giggle! 
