Saturday, November 3, 2012

Feeding The Eagles

 Feeding the Eagles!
January of this year 2012, the weather stayed so cold in St. Louis, Missouri and Alton, Illinois that the bald eagles were cruising over houses in hopes of a quick meal. They could not access fish that were at the bottom of the river and had gathered together.

Some kind souls decided to feed the eagles so they would survive the cold spell. They gathered fish and started feeding the small group of eagles huddled on the shore.

The photos below show what happened. A retired teacher took these photos in front of his home. Incredible!

A beautiful morning feeding the eagles, 
                                       Jan. 2012

Once the fish were thrown, the eagles 

                    did not seem to  fear the good 
                  Samaritans and word spread fast!

Eagles vying for the fish, January, 2012

No zoom lens used here! 

                   The photographer was this close!

            Here are the men who were feeding them.
                                                                     So close!!


             As you know, it was not too long ago that
          the American Bald Eagle was an endangered 
         species. Amazing pictures - please pass along!


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