Saturday, March 30, 2013

This Is A TRUE Story

This is a TRUE story about U.S. Army Veteran Ed Freeman.

He was a veteran not only of Viet Nam, but of World War II and Korea.
Also was the recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions on November 14, 1965, at Landing Zone X-Ray, in the Ia Drang Valley of Vietnam.
During the Vietnam War Freeman served as a helicopter pilot with the rank of Captain in US Army's Company A, 229th, Assault Helicopter Battalion, First Cavalry Division Air Mobil.
On November 14th, 1965, a US battalion was surrounded by the enemy. In the heat of the battle when all hope was lost, an unarmed helicopter came to their aid, bringing water, much needed supplies and ammunition.
According to survivors of the battle the unarmed Huey returned more than 21 times with supplies, evacuating the wounded each trip.  That day, more than 70 soldiers were flown to safety by Captain Freeman.
Freeman was decorated with the distinguished Flying Cross for his act of bravery but for decades those who survived this battle felt that a higher honor should be awarded to the helicopter pilot.  On July 16, 2001, Congress awarded the Medal of Honor to Freeman with the persuasion of Lieutenant Colonel Bruce Crandall, other survivors who were rescued by Freeman, and Senator John McCain.
That day, Freeman and his wife, Barbara, were invited to the Whitehouse  where President George W. Bush presented the Congressional Medal of honor before witnesses consisting of Vice President Cheney,  the secretary of defense, secretary of veterans affairs, the joint chiefs as well as members of the Joint Chiefs, Senator John McCain, Senator Craig, Congressman Otter, and Congressman Simpson from the delegation of Idaho.
On August 20, 2008, Major Ed Freeman passed away from complications of Parkinson's disease at the age of 80 and was laid to rest at the Veterans Cemetery in Idaho, where he settled.
In March of 2009, the United States Congress bestowed one more honor to Major Freeman. They designated the US Post Office in his place of birth McLain, Mississippi, the "Major Ed W. Freeman Post Office."
Click for CNN Transcript of President Bush's presentation of the Congressional Medal of Honor.

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