Friday, April 19, 2013

Awesome Friends!


 Look carefully at each picture for the cat, as it makes its way

down from the roof to the dog. Then check the explanation at the end.

The story behind those pictures is this:
Every day - at the same time - 
she waits for him.
Sometimes she barks to call him.
He comes; they rub and greet each other
and they go for a walk. They have done

this for 5 years and no, they don’t belong to the
same owners. The owners didn’t know until
neighbors seeing them together so frequently
commented to the cat’s owner, who then followed
the dog home which was a distance away - not
in a house close or next door. How it started no
one knows.
Wouldn’t it be great to have friends like this - always

There are no words needed, they just intuitively

recognize the value of each other in their lives

and act accordingly.

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