Saturday, May 18, 2013

Phone Service For Everyone?

Phone Service For All, 
No Matter What Kind 

This opinion piece originally 

appeared at

The guarantee of landline telephone 
service at almost any address, a legal 
right many Americans may not even 
know they have, is quietly being 
legislated away in our U.S. state capitals.

AT&T and Verizon, the dominant 

telephone companies, want to end 
their 99-year-old universal service 
obligation known as “provider of 
last resort.” They say universal 
landline service is a costly and unfair 
anachronism that is no longer 
justified because of a competitive 
market for voice services. 
The new rules AT&T and Verizon 
drafted would enhance profits by 
letting them serve only the customers 
they want. Their focus, and that of 
smaller phone companies that have 
the same universal service obligation, 
is on well-populated areas where 
people can afford profitable packages 
that combine telephone, Internet 
and cable television. 
Sprint, T-Mobile and the cell phone 
divisions of AT&T and Verizon are 
not subject to universal service and 
can serve only those areas they 
find profitable. Unless the new 
rules are written very carefully, 
millions of people, urban and rural, 
will lose basic telephone service or 
be forced to pay much more for calls. 

Florida, North Carolina, Texas and 
 Wisconsin already have repealed 
universal service obligations. No one 
has been cut off yet, but once almost 
every state has ended universal service 
I am sure we will see parts of the 
landline system shut down. 

Years of subtle incremental legal 

changes have brought the telephone 
companies within sight of ending 
universal service, which began in 
1913 when AT&T President Thomas 
Vail promised “one system, one policy, 
universal service” in return for keeping 
Ma Bell’s monopoly. 
AT&T wants universal service obligations 
to end wherever two or more voice 
services are available, said Joel Lubin, 
AT&T’s public policy vice president. 
Verizon promotes a similar approach.
State capitals are seeing intense 
lobbying to end universal service 
obligations but with little public 
awareness due to the dwindling 
ranks of statehouse reporters. 
The Utility Rate Network, a consumer 
advocate group, identified 120 AT&T 
lobbyists in Sacramento, one per  
California lawmaker. Mary Pat Regan, 
president of AT&T Kentucky, told me 
she has 36 lobbyists in that state 
working on the company’s bill to end 
universal landline service. 
People whose landline service ends 
would have three options.
First would be a cell phone, a reasonable 

substitute in many areas. But cell 

phones do not work in Appalachian 

valleys and many rural expanses. 

Cell phones cost at least $25 for 

limited minutes, while lifeline services, 
which the companies offer to low-income 
people – start at $2 and, with unlimited 
local calls, at about $10.


Second would be Internet calling. That 
requires broadband Internet service. 
Verizon charges $49.99, plus additional 
charges by unregulated calling 
companies like Vonage, whose rates 
start at $25.99. On top of this $75 
expense would be taxes and the cost 
of buying and maintaining a computer, 
a device alien to many older and poor 
Third would be satellite service. 
Thomas Hazlett, a George Mason  
University economist who studies rural 
phone costs, tells me satellite service 
is “the way to go for service in outlying 
areas.” Maybe, but it requires a 
computer, costs at least $29.95 and 
tens of thousands of users have 
complained about unauthorized 
charges and connection problems.
AT&T and Verizon also want to end 
state authority to resolve customer 
complaints, saying the market will 
punish bad behavior. Tell that to 
 Stefanie Brand.Brand is New Jersey’s 
ratepayer advocate whose experience 
trying to get another kind of service,
FiOS – demonstrates what happens 
when market forces are left to punish 
behavior, she said. Residents of her 
apartment building wanted to get wired 
for the fiber optic service (FiOS) in 2008. 
Residents said, “We want to see your 
plans before you start drilling holes, and 
Verizon said, ‘We will drill where we want 
or else, so we’re walking,’ and they did,” 
Brand told me that Verizon confirmed 
that because of the disagreement 

Brand’s building is not wired. And 

there’s nothing Brand can do about it. 

Verizon reminded me the state Board 

of Public Utilities no longer has authority 

to resolve complaints over FiOS. 
Market forces cannot discipline this 
kind of one-sided power.Verizon says

that New Jersey requires it to wire only 

70 cities. What will happen to the 
elderly and disadvantaged with no 
place to appeal for help when telephone 
service is degraded, denied or cut off?
Without universal landline service, 
many poor and rural people will lose 
connectedness to family and work, 
while businesses serving them will lose 
sales and their servicing costs will rise.
Taxpayers will take a hit when the sick, 
disabled and elderly cannot summon 
help immediately because they lack 
phone service. Hours of delay after, 
say, a stroke can turn a modest 
hospital bill into a huge expense for 
Medicare, Medicaid or the Veterans 
Administration. Some people without 
phones will die unnecessarily.
New technology means telephone 
services will change, just as internal 
combustion engines replaced the 
horse-and-cart with automobiles. 
We don’t want regulations requiring 
the equivalent of a buggy whip in 
every car trunk.

However, we also should not lose 

sight of the benefits of guaranteed 

access to affordable basic telephone 

service. The law should not force people 

to buy costly services they do not need.

Nor should we forget that customers 
paid for the landline telephone system, 
including many billions of dollars in rate 
increases over the past two decades 
that helped AT&T and Verizon develop 
their cellular systems. If we lose 
universal service, I doubt we will ever 
get it back. Let’s get a balanced 
policy rather than quietly rewriting 
laws to benefit one industry. 


  1. wowwwwwwwwwwwww...I finally found you............
    I can now respond to your posts here!!

  2. That's good, but do you see the rest of my 90+ posts?


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