Saturday, May 25, 2013

Random Photos - Part 2

Random Photos - Part 2 of 3
The Sky Walker

Crystal Ice Cave in Skaftafell, Iceland

Festival of Lanterns in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Fields of Lavender in Provence, France

Yarn Bombing in Germany

The Runaway Tree

70 Lightning Strikes in One Shot
The Craziest Illusion in Paris

Ladybug Lands with Style

The Edge of Earth Bunda Cliffs of Australia


The Worlds Largest LAN Party

Instant  Acrophobia



  1. these are amazing photos!!

    ( btw....I am GONE from IP was BANNED late this morning......but, I am smiling!!! )

  2. I'm happy for you, but not sure what happened at Boomer to make you leave? I knew that you & several of my other friends, had not liked it there. Don't think we will ever find another social site as good as Multiply was.

  3. Just to protect yourself ( assuming you want longevity on the site) you may find these rather interesting from their Terms and Conditions: reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any posting (including email) by you, or to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website and/or Services at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability.I know this to be true...they deleted me and banned my IP )
    Are you aware that they READ the private messages you send to 'friends'? Two that I sent to Oyve were deleted by staff...he never rec'd them!

    12. Images may not show excessive amounts of skin, cleavage or imply nudity. If you violate these terms your account will be deleted.
    ( we KNOW this is not enforced therefore they are in violation of their own terms...sound familiar??? one doesn't even have to go to an owners page to see "skin' just look at their avatars...LOL )

    My very favorite is anything and everything that is posted and even accounts can be DELETED/ and or banned FOR NO REASON...soley based on the disgression of the staff!!

    They spy and snoop all accounts ....if they don't like what they see it is deleted and if you ask WHY they can simply say BECAUSE!! So, if they feel you have violated some willnot be warned nor given a chance to explain anything( our 1st ammendment rights are NOT established on that site.

    Have you noticed Scarlet-Rose is gone? She was deleted and banned......because I disagree with it and voiced it I also am now deleted and banned.

    Be careful....once you fall from their grace they then ridicule you in the shoutbox on the home page.


If you liked my post, did not like it, found it humorous, sad or interesting, then please tell me what you think?