Sunday, October 12, 2014

Good Old West Virginia Boys

Good Old West Virginia Boys 
Were talking about how they could fix up their old Chevy when a couple of their buddies came by on their way to the local tavern. 
So they decided to go along with them to drink a few beers and eat burgers while they talked about what to do with the old Chevy. 
A woman at a table next to them, who was eating a sandwich, began to cough loudly and it soon became apparent that she was having some difficulty controlling herself! 
One of the good old boys looked at her and asked, “Kin ya swallar?” The woman shook her head no. 
Then he asked, “Kin ya breathe?” The woman was now turning blue and could not even answer him. 
So he walked over to her, lifted her up and pulled down her drawers and quickly gave both of her butt checks big wet licks with his tongue! 
The woman was so shocked by what he did that she had a violent spasm and the obstruction just flew out of her mouth! 
As she started to breath again, the good old boy sat back down at his table with his three other West Virginia buddies. 
All was quiet for a minute, until his buddy drawls, “Ya know, I’d heerd about that there ‘Hind Lick’ thing, but I ain’t niver seed nobody do it befo dis time!

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