Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Thoughts to Ponder

Thoughts to Ponder 
Why doesn't a chicken egg 
taste like chicken? 
Why is it that cargo is 
transported by ship while a 
shipment is transported by car? 
Does peanut butter really 
have butter in it? 
Do mimes watch silent movies? 
Is the fear of flying groundless? 
What would you use to dilute water? Can atheists get insurance 
for acts of God? 
Do you need a silencer if you are 
going to shoot a mime? 
Can I get arrested for running into 
a Fire House yelling Movie! Movie!? 
~ Can you be a closet claustrophobic? Could someone ever get addicted to 
counseling? If so, how could 
you treat them? 
Did Adam and Eve have navels? 
Did the early settlers ever 
go on a camping trip? 

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