Thursday, September 12, 2013

911 Tribute

" Remembering 9-11...
A Different Perspective"


by Linda Scott

Beneath the American soil
Buried on September 11, 2001
Lies the future of every man, woman, and child
Who's lives were taken at the hands and deeds
Of despicable men, known to us as terrorists
In this grave site ,lies not only the bodies of mortals,
But instead, every fiber of their being
Here lies the next breath of each...that was never taken
Here lies the last thoughts of each.. as they faced death
Here lies the fear and agony that each had felt
Here lies the unfinished prayers or screams
Upon the lips of numbers unknown
Here lies the pain and suffering each endured
for minutes or hours of which we have no knowledge
Here lies the tears that normally brings relief
But not for them
Here lies the blood that each had shed
that once sustained their lives
But not any more
Here lies the hopes, dreams, and the future
of nearly 3000 souls
Along with goals, expectations and achievements
Never to be realized
Here lies the words and hugs
Bestowed upon one another
As they shared one of the most intimate times of their lives..
Their impending deaths
Here lies the confusion and mayhem they felt
As they hopelessly searched for ways to survive
Here lies the heroism and the love of their fellow man
As they sacrificed their own lives in an attempt to save a strangers'
Here lies the unanswered questions that each had asked
While trying to understand what was happening
Here lies all the unspoken words...never to be heard
Here lies every moment of every life
That was lost that horrific day
And here lies all that was denied each life
By the hands and deeds of despicable men,
Who's acts are seared into the minds and hearts
Of the millions who watched in horror
Here lies the grief , felt by untold numbers
In a nation of wealth and power
That was brought to it's knees that day
And here lies the haughtiness of the nation's peoples
Now clothed in remembrance and humility.

Linda Scott
Copyright © 2008


"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. 
There will be no more death or mourning 
or crying or pain, for the old order 
of things has passed away."
Revelation 21:4

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