004 | 1865 | "City Point, Virginia (vicinity). Medical supply boat Planter at General Hospital wharf on the Appomattox"
005 | 1890 | Florida. "Brown's Landing, Rice Creek"

006 | 1896 | U.S.S. New York. "Group of sailors" | Edward Hart

007 | 1897 | "Commodore H.M. Gillig's racing sloop Vencedor on Lake Erie " | John S. Johnston
008 | 1897 | "Berth deck cooks, U.S.S. Oregon" | Edward H. Hart
009 | 1897 | "U.S.S. Massachusetts, fire room" Tending the battleship's coal-fired boilers. | Edward H. Hart

010 | 1898 | "U.S.S. Oregon in dry dock, Brooklyn Navy Yard"
011 | 1899 | "Berth deck cooks aboard cruiser U.S.S. Brooklyn" | Edward H. Hart
012 | 1900 | "U.S. Battleship Texas, chief petty officers" | Edward H. Hart

013 | 1900 | Chicago. "12th Street Bascule Bridge"
014 | 1900 | Charlevoix, Michigan. "Harbor entrance and light house"

015 | 1900 | "Car ferry 'Transport' entering slip, Detroit River "

016 | 1900 | Florida. "A landing on the Tomoka" | William Henry Jackson
017 | 1900 | "A bit of country life near Henryville, Pennsylvania — making soap"
018 | 1900 | " Brooklyn Bridge, East River "

019 | 1900 | New Jersey circa. "Bergen Tunnel, east end"
020 | 1900 | Chicago. "A walk in Lincoln Park"

021 | 1900 | Buffalo, New York. "Labor Day parade, Main Street"
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